アジア Asia > 中国 China > [春熙路商業区]アパートメント(128m²)| 3ベッドルーム/2バスルーム [deep blue] the most beautiful Nordic house
[春熙路商業区]アパートメント(128m²)| 3ベッドルーム/2バスルーム
[deep blue] the most beautiful Nordic house
[ 星ランク ]
[ シティ ] 成都(チェンドゥ) Chengdu
[ 住所 ] No.3 Tonghuimen Road 高发公寓3-1-2
![[deep blue] the most beautiful Nordic house](http://pix2.agoda.net/hotelimages/agoda-homes/5061169/6861a5dcddfd0ba5378c840115b4aee5.jpg)
![[deep blue] the most beautiful Nordic house](http://pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/agoda-homes/5061169/c53428e59823de8953f15a2fb94bc488.jpg)
![[deep blue] the most beautiful Nordic house](http://pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/agoda-homes/5061169/658886324e72cca218b8eef20cb8e5d2.jpg)
![[deep blue] the most beautiful Nordic house](http://pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/agoda-homes/5061169/c493c2d198029c39a6fb1b66fe4ec94e.jpg)
![[deep blue] the most beautiful Nordic house](http://pix4.agoda.net/hotelimages/agoda-homes/5061169/58443945fb2684ec0911565e30cc3ae6.jpg)
ホテル施設 - [deep blue] the most beautiful Nordic house
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スポーツ/レクリエーション - [deep blue] the most beautiful Nordic house
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- ゴルフコース(3km以内)
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- ウォータースポーツ施設