アジア Asia > 中国 China > [霊川県(リンチュアン)]アパートメント(200m²)| 3ベッドルーム/2バスルーム View of the Grand Apartment on the Lijiang River
[霊川県(リンチュアン)]アパートメント(200m²)| 3ベッドルーム/2バスルーム
View of the Grand Apartment on the Lijiang River
[ 星ランク ]
[ シティ ] 桂林(グイリン) Guilin
[ 住所 ] Libin Garden, 12 Linjiang Road, Qixing District, Guilin City 3栋601室
![View of the Grand Apartment on the Lijiang River](http://pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/agoda-homes/10004924/8156e27d1333360501d9eaf7a1bb8db1.jpg)
![View of the Grand Apartment on the Lijiang River](http://pix5.agoda.net/hotelimages/agoda-homes/10004924/3f382e351aaf136158baa5ef86bf9467.jpg)
![View of the Grand Apartment on the Lijiang River](http://pix3.agoda.net/hotelimages/agoda-homes/10004924/16887462b3ac0b636870b8237852316a.jpg)
![View of the Grand Apartment on the Lijiang River](http://pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/agoda-homes/10004924/2e3130b981c5f0155a43eab61c3ea560.jpg)
![View of the Grand Apartment on the Lijiang River](http://pix1.agoda.net/hotelimages/agoda-homes/10004924/0f55e1579468ce39c438025ae8e8628a.jpg)
ホテル施設 - View of the Grand Apartment on the Lijiang River
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スポーツ/レクリエーション - View of the Grand Apartment on the Lijiang River
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